Monday, July 18, 2016

Second wind?

I vacuumed out algae water with rotten leaves in the pot saucers and dumped the water in a trash can.

It's about 3 gallons of rotting water. Into which I've poured fish emulsion. A day in 90 degree heat, add another gallon or two of water and I'll have a nice bacterial tea.

A rotting rejuvenator.

Peppered pots with Alaska sea weed pellets. Strong roots-- just a hunch.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

another word about rhizomatous begonias

Only water the porous well-draining soil when dry.

I was just told that blogs are now old school "post your pictures on Pinterest", etc.
No. Go read somewhere else.

Here are some shots of the ever changing collage of my plant collection
summer morning sky on the upper east side
the wild west

Daddy's little girl Olive. A shoo-in for best in show. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

When is enough enough? When there ain't no more shade

How many begonias in this picture? (7) Tucked beneath the blood orange tree
Listada, U402, Selph's Mahogany, b. cubensis under the parrot vine