Saturday, April 21, 2018


1. Trimmed parrot vine sharply. This shrub can overwhelm.. though it is one of my favorites.

2. Regarding the bougainvillea, I had put some feed and protect (for insects) in a small bag created with panty hose in the large bougainvillea pot. This is the 2nd treatment within a month or so. Its beginning to keep leafs and bracts - they are not being eaten before maturing.

3. Repeatedly soaking pots.. around the sides, in the middle of growth. Over an hour of watering. 

4. Caring is work.
Notice new coned Eugenia below hanging baskets of striped purple spiderwort (tradescantia zabrina). Pretty smart looking.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

prune the bougainvillea canes looking forward to summer growth

Getting bougainvillea ready for the growing season. planted orange bird of paradise for the form of the leaf

2 months later