Saturday, September 1, 2012

Nyctaginaceae Castrati

This will be an interesting experiment. Stripped the bushy purple bougainvillea into 3 tall stalks (behind potato tree), almost completely bare. Notice one stem tied to left of trellis. It had grown in a loop so I had to start over and bend it as straight as possible and tie to trellis. Having started over, I can pay a lot more attention to the shape of the plant. Pleach against corner walls?  The middle branch was crossing the taller branch on the right, so I pulled this into a better position and tied it into place to train growth correctly. The branch on the right has obviously been stripped on side branches and tied tightly to the wall. Ultimate goal is to have an overhang of beautiful purple bougainvillea in the winter. It may take a year for that. It was a hard, hard pruning. I'll post progress. Interesting to see how long it takes to fill in.

Before- see right corner for a beautiful bougie before radical surgery:
In the bright winter sun -- the west side

Sloshed Bayer Feed and Protect on potato tree, bougies, jasmine, bleeding heart. I've been watering with fish/poop and Superthrive more regularly. Feeding the plumeria too much causes leggy growth. It is not a very demanding plant in terms of water or food.

Bad dog.. didn't lift a paw to help in the garden. Stayed in the A/C all day.

1 comment:

  1. I should say don't feed the plumeria at all. Maybe very lightly at the beginning of spring. I've overdone it and the plant is 12+' and leggy. Also, heavy direct sun and I think a tight pot helps encourage stems thick wtih dense covering of leaves and nice round mounds of flowers on top.
