Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Very humid, seasonal weather from the islands

Humid,  the terrace looks fairly good all around. Doused the bamboo with 6 gals of weak gro solution, giving 'emerald maid' a nice shower. She and 'arte hodes' are sitting below the umbra of the buddha belly. 'Fred' , 'puff adder' and the baby selph's are either sitting under the plumeria or on the tea stand next to the plumeria-- shielded from the wind by eastern wall. That location has sun but for a limited period. We'll have to see how everyone acclimates in their new seats.

The 'ricinifolia' is getting some nice sun-- a few midday hours, the soil is moist, it's growing with growing conviction. They all say that begonias can't take 10b midday sun-- both of the b. 'Selph's Mohagany' are in some serious sun-- and we're intto summer-- and seem to be absorbing the light and heat and groovin'. 

I moved the duranta that was on the east side of the terrace into 6 hours of sun a week and a half ago. It's grown 6" and has begun to send out it's beautiful grape color racemes. Sun, a must for most bloomers. It's branches fork as they grow, fractal-like. It get's big too (it'll provide some much needed shade for those in need). 

The newly planted mandevilla, 3 days in the ground, is holding it's blooms and buds are in the making. Maybe I've found a new workhorse for the handrail. It's white flowers are very pretty. 

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