Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The King and I

Went to Palm Hammock Orchid Estate today to buy gifts in celebration of the upcoming year of the dragon.  

Yours truly with newest acquisition b. "Caribbean King" 


  1. Sehr sch?ner Artikel und auf den Punkt. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob dies tats?chlich der beste Ort zu fragen, aber wei?t du Leute haben keine Gedanken darüber, wo Sie einige professionelle Schriftsteller mieten? Thx:)

  2. Hi, thanks for the comment in German... however, Wenn Sie lesen können, Englisch, können Sie auf Englisch schreiben.

    As to recommendations for writers, you probably have at least 1 million professional writers in your fine industrial country.

    The Dalai Lama is a great professional writer.

    There are several Russian dissidents that probably need work about now.

    Personally, I am my favorite garden writer. I get immense pleasure having to think about how to edit my thoughts without compromising the richness and beauty of the tropical garden.

  3. You have lovely begonia collections. I wish that I can live in FL, so I can grow A LOT OF Begonias. :) Nice Work!

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