Saturday, January 4, 2014

BRB-- going on a boat trip south, not done here by a long shot.

The holiday season was very distracting. However I did find the time to pot the second of the Noriko Sumida semi-teretes into a 'rustic' hanging orchid pot. I really like the habit of the semi-teretes. As to the Sawzall, I found my own in storage-- they are great tools, though I haven't yet begun to clearing out the bamboo roots out of the beautiful pot that was it's home. I think that a sea grape might be the most appropriate tenant - sun, salt, wind tolerant, and they can be grown and kept manageable in a container. There is one in our gym that's been there for at least 3 years.  

The begonia have begun sending up flowering stalks. They are doing quite well which isn't as easy as it sounds on a breezy, briny, sunny terrace. I believe the secret to a happy plant, beyond simple, dedicated care is to allow them to acclimate to a particular spot -- allowed to stand their ground so to speak.

We're expecting a cold snap during the coming week when I'll be away. Tuesday night is forecasted to dip into the upper 40's. Our house-sitter nicely offered to bring in orchids as needed. I'm going to leave them where they are. If they can't take a little cold for a night, I'm not going to coddle them. The temp is scheduled to warm on Wednesday going back into the 70's during the day.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure if you like variegated plants, there is a very beautiful variegated variety of sea grape. It is green with lots of white that doesn't turn brown in direct sun light.
