Saturday, December 7, 2013

Splurge day

We are on a diet; for 6 days one can eat proteins, greens and beans as the only carb. 1 day of the week can be a train wreck of macaroni and cheese followed by wild blueberry scones, donuts. I haven't lost much weight on this diet.

Now, yesterday I put 2 Noriko Sumida together in a pot interspersing orchid bark around the roots very loosely to help keep maintain a little moisture. The pot is unglazed and we have a hot sun, so I think the assistance is warranted. How did you secure the orchids in the pot you may asking? Please see below:

It's gotten up to about 85 degrees (F) today, sunny and dry. I Jacked (Jack's 20-20-20 All Purpose) everyone up today full strength with some sea weed emulsion-- a popular cocktail. The teretes especially 'Miss Joachim' seem to be responding well to this bright, hot, winter sunshine. Miss Joachim is tied to a nice straight arm of hardwood and is sending out rootlets feeling things out. The Mokara Sayan (x2) have a black stickiness on the stem (on base of strap leaves). Probably a bug that eats and leaves sticky droppings (white flies will do this when they eat the fronds of the coconut palms over my car). Need to get on the case here asap.

Looks like my Mokara might have some black mold due to too much water sitting on the leaves, right at the. joint between leave and stem. Soap and water. Need to focus on the roots in daily watering. A pesticidal spray might be in order for thrips .


  1. in terms of securing the orchid, you might also be asking "why didn't he just use an orchid pot clip?" and it would be a very good question that i wouldn't have an answer to.

  2. Btw-- Mokara is fine, used some Organicide on her, kept it in the shade for a day-- tough as nails.
