Made a tea of the Espoma Citrus Tone 5-2-6, I realize I'm going on about Espoma but I really like the idea of fertilizing while also amending the soil with organics and beneficial bacteria.
I used it on the bamboo. I hadn't fertilized it in a while and the 5-2-6 has a nice amount of nitrogen which might help replenish all those leaves that fell off during the dry spell. We'll see, I put in 2 cups for 5 gals and rinsed that down with another five. Do I know what i'm doing? HELL NO. I am so addicted to instant gratification .. Well we'll see. I highly doubt that it will damage a 40 +” pot of bamboo. The soil was moist before I applied the tea.
The Thompson's Begonia bible gives a nice overview of fertilizing chemistry: macro/micro nutrients etc. (which I read last night finally). Hopefully it'll give me some insight into proper feeding depending on what you're trying to accomplish: high blooming ease up on the nitrogen. Lush foliage crank up the nitrogen, etc.
I am also interested in worm casings. I need to do some research. I found a place online that sells 21 lb bag for $30. It is A LOT more expensive in Home Depot. What are they and why are they beneficial to the soil?