Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Neoregelia 'Johannis' has another litter

A number of 'johannis' pups have been slowly coming up, I've let them grow to the point where they're pulling momma up out of the pot. I need to put on some gloves and pull them out. What to do with the new litter?

I've started propagating for gifts, maybe I'll continue with these. Better yet, it would be fun when they're all of a sale-able size to get a booth at the Flea.

I've calm down after my recent losses. Steady as she goes, the anchor plantings are all doing well. If I haven't said it lately, the bamboo is busy sending up 4 new culms. For this slow growing bamboo that is something. Keeping it dry to force more bulbous culms (it is a Buddha belly). Speaking of which i need to get a high nitrogen fertilizer for it's summer feeding.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, I'm not sure about 'keeping it dry' for more culms. In a pot, it may well be the opposite. It's rained for the past month and several culms are coming up.. Who knows.
