Monday, June 20, 2011

Watering the container garden

Watering the container garden that is made up of a number of plants with very different water requirements.., I’ll look for a book on Amazon for some reference I can get.  I’m only going to water the bamboo when it’s leaves are curling with thirst and the bougie when wilting.  The plumeria seems to like the dry side—leaves yellow and fall off with watering more than twice a week. The handrail boxes need watering almost every day, the croton almost never, somehow it’s soil stays moist.. roots that don’t get thirsty? The begonias  are trickier and require the daily sticking a finger in the soil to check for moisture. The smaller pots require the most care. The soil mixture I planted them last few plants in had a 1/3 jiffy mix which mostly powered peat, it dries fairly quickly especially in a small terracotta pot.
I’ve eased the e. helix, red fred and art hodes onto the picnic table so they’ll start getting a little sun.
I caved and repotted  large rhizome of selph’s mahogany into it’s own pot. I’ve left the base of the original plant in the current bowl and moved it into the sun.  I watered it in well, so it should fair ok with the stronger light. The rhizome which is pretty much going straight up, I’ve put into a deeper pot that should hold it up well.
I put in an order at Kartuz for a shrub ‘emerald maiden’—it looks beautiful.. 2’ very textured leaves, like a crinkled paper.  Also purchased a ‘puff adder’ double spiral, fuzzy deep green leaves.

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