Sunday, May 13, 2012

Let the wild rumpus begin.. philodendrons on the terrace.

Philodendron 'monstera deliciosa' (sharply incised palmate leaves center) sharing a large pot with blood orange and creeping fig.  Like the burle marx below- this girl will mound up and then cascade over the edge of the pot. At Fairchild Botanic Garden  these grow up any trunk it can cling onto, heading toward the light at top of canopy. The deliciosa in the name refers to it's fruit, which is poisonous until ripe. It is supposed to be a dream to taste when ready. 

Philodendron 'Burle Marx' (shiny mallet leaves center) overflowing it's pot. It's little trouble on my porch. It likes even moisture and I feed it every few weeks, etc. It takes 6 or so hours of sun. 

1 comment:

  1. The philodendrens are amzing, as is your entire set-up there, but the picture of you leaving Cumberland as a young man is a wonderful photograph! Thanks for sharing some of those terrific pics my friend!

    ~ Thom
