Saturday, October 6, 2012

Broke fast

Broke fast of 30hrs first things with a biscuit egg, cheese, sausage treat. Followed with masas de puerco with sauteed red onions and black beans for lunch. Chicken Madeira, asparagus, spinach for dinner. Low carb cheese cake.

Smaller plant stand from storage with some U402, aurelia and croton cuttings (which have begun to grow nicely). 

Judicious pinch back on coccinea. Leggy branches too far away from it's cane got the snip. Cleaned up pots, misc. odds and ends. Took them to storage along with a fairly large plant stand, a rounded rectangular shape. I brought back a smaller planter stand, in which I placed an aurelia (in a pretty fluted pot) and a U402  that I have had growing under the orange tree for some time. Terrace looks clear at least, I will always have a problem with soil stain on the tiles and the run-off  onto neighbors terraces below when I water.


  1. Are you sure it was low-carb?

  2. No i'm not sure at all. But I throw caution to the wind.
