Saturday, October 20, 2012

One potato..

A subtly scented bouquet of the solanum macranthum tree

Floriferous and real grower! She needs food and regular water, the large leaves transpire quite a lot. Don't let it wilt too much as the sharp needles on the back of leaves and branches will rip the leaves at the slightest breath. Keep a close eye for pests, one in particular, probably some sort of mite, is veracious and it takes weeks after treatment for the new growth to grow in completely. I use a diluted douche of Bayer protect and feed every 2 or 3 weeks. Bottom line; this one takes some care but it's gigantic leaves and beautiful papery blossoms make it a real spectacle on the terrace-- and it can provide shelter for those under it's skirts.

1 comment:

  1. Your S.M. looks great....if you don't need the foliage for shading purposes, you can remove the larger leaves with no ill effect to the plant. It will slow the growth down and expose the flowers to a greater degree. I wish there was a white flower variety of this plant. I have never found one on the internet.
