Sunday, October 14, 2012

Lucky number sleven

Respectable wind coming in from the NNE .. temperatures in the upper 70's. Flushes of heavy showers followed by still hot to the touch sun. Yesterday wet from rain at 7a, I took advantage of already dripping drainpipes (that pelt my neighbors below) and watered everyone in heavily. Even when it seems to have rained hard and long, the foliage of some of the plants keep the soil underneath from getting a good soak. This would not happen in the ground of course. The drip line around the canopy of the plant would provide plenty of moisture. I'm noticing more agressive growth from the bamboo of late... it has filled out quite a bit. I'm thinking that it might by from the SUPERthrive.. my feeding routine is soo unscientific that it's hard to say. I mix in fish n poop with the Super so maybe it's a combo.

I want to buy a palm tree to use as a foundation specimen on the east side, to provide shelter for begonias, etc.  Pygmy dates would be good, they sell fairly mature groups of three to a 25gal bucket. I could leave it in the pot, with some camoflage in front. But the sharp needles would have to be carefully trimmed. I've seen it done. The airy foliage would provide somewhat of a break from the direct sun. A pot of 3 alexander might work. It would work next to SE pilaster chained (discreetly) to the handrail.

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