Monday, December 31, 2012

2012; the year in review

New plants this year include potato tree, palms, macho ferns, caladiums, wart fern to name of few. All of which performed very well. They stood up to the sun, wind and rain of southern Florida. The solanum macranthum, however, should be placed with some shelter from wind, if it's at all wilted in a breeze, the leaves will get shredded by the nasty spikes the plant sports. Still, it's a beautiful shrub-- huge leaves offer generous shade and the papery light purple flowers have a sweet scent. If I were gardening 'in terra' it would definitely be one to try. The palm offers light dappled shade for the begonias. It's canopy is large enough to create a feeling of an understory for part of the terrace. I also have baby foxtail, healthy, but it's got a lot growing up to do. Palms have turned out to be an appropriate addition to the garden; very wind resistant, they need sun, etc. Bougainvillea are another obvious choice. The more S Fl sun it gets, the more color it puts out. It has been installed on every side; handrail, walls, etc. 

[ Planted some large square planters with bougainvillea today- 2 colors each wart ferns and a fish tail fern for good luck. Repotted another magenta bougainvillea today that had been sorrily planted from the get go. I was able to tie the branches up and kept a good deal of the branches. I put a second magenta with it in the pot. It had been planted in its plastic pot with some slices in the sides and the botttom cut off. The soil was matted around Don't do this. Just plant the damn thing with the proper drainage in some good soil].

The blue ribbon however goes to an unlikely character; a shrub-like begonia, b U402. It's stems are succulent and one would assume it would be easily tossed by the wind, burned by the sun, drowned by the rain.. not only does it survive whatever's thrown at it, its habit is lovely and the small pink-ish white flowers, which have begun to appear, are charming. I can stick a stem anywhere, if the soil is reasonably friable, and it will thrive. It is available if you look around, but if you live in the Fort Lauderdale area and would like some cuttings please email me. In terms of tough begonias, that thrive on the terrace, b Arte Hodes (thicked-stemmed 'pig skin' type) is a vigorous specimen. I am looking forward to some blooming.
Blue ribbon winner 2012, year of the water dragon; b. U402 a Venezuelan species shrub-like begonia. Takes a lickin' and keeps on kickin'. 

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