Monday, December 10, 2012

Bless my garden (please) St. Fiacre

Yesterday. Spent the last 6 hours of light playing house. It all began, as it often does at home depot.. I bought 2 black plastic faux barrel shaped pots. The black color would hide them as they were to be tucked in the back and cost about 19$ per. There were for replanting the macho ferns which had way outgrown their cheap plastic containers.. drilled 5 holes using .5" drill bit.  I pulled out one of then machos from behind bamboo. So much can happen in the human mind at once.. I had to move several of the major pots to get back so that immediately afforded me a new avenue to sweep fallen bamboo  blades. But, this was after I extracted a rubber plant that I had growing through the handrail for the past year or so. It was looking a little dizzy from the street and I've been meaning to get a grip on the leggy bleeding heart that was next to it in the planter.
The rubber plant redux
 To my surprise, the bleeding heart was putting out some white racemes, they grow from the end of the vine, so I did not trim them. Now, I moved the macho fern out onto the operating table and shaved it down to 1" stubble. Began filling trash bag.. swept out the area against the western wall next to tall purple bougainvillea and the pot in which another macho shares with a bird-of-paradise. I move the mini-bracted magenta bougainvillea to transplanting spot on other side of terrace. It was going to finally move into a jarra, not too much larger than it's existing container, but enough to surround the root ball with new, loamy, black, fertile soil.

La jarra 
 While sweeping behind the bamboo, however, I took a good look at some of the bases of rotted culms that hide tried to grow recently but had rotted on their way up. Also had 2 instances of the upper branches of existing culms dying. Fortunately, they were smaller branches and the other foliage with the bare spot made when I trimmed off the dead. I had given the Buddha belly a copper fungicide bath a few days ago. Something in my gut tells me it's over-watering that's encouraged some fungus.. so I'm going to let it dry out until blades are nice and curled- hoping it that copper will nip further rot in the rhizome.

Off to work. No time for good grammer.  More later.

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