Saturday, September 21, 2013

The week in review

I've begun using a 3 gal sprayer to start the day, giving  all mounted orchids a nice shower.. with  a little Jack's 20-20-20 in it. The plants are responding well to this 'bangers and mash' breakfast. The orchids don't seem to be negatively affected by the ocean breeze which has been brisk at times.

It was a beautiful day in S FL just a few degrees cooler than it's been, just one or two but I felt it. Stretching out to hit a backhand on the tennis court I pulled a lower calf muscle slightly, it has slowed me down. But, not enough to keep the family from going to Green Barn Orchid Supply in Delray.  The reason I had heard of them is because I had been scouring the internet for reasonable rustic looking orchid pots. This was one of the few places that advertised them, and at good prices. They had just received a big shipment of vandas from Thailand which were all hanging neatly in the hothouse. I accidently bought a Rhynchorides (Aerides x Rhynchostylis) Bangkok Sunset, evidently quite fragrant. 

I hope this isn't too copyrighted..
Bangkok Sunset ($30)
Also purchased was a quart of Maxicrop seaweed concentrate. Guaranteed to stimulate vigorous growth. I need to research growth hormones / food that are best for these monopodial epiphytes. Ok, I've done some research, I've had fish emulsion on the shelf for a while, it with the seaweed concentrate alternating by week should cause erections all around.

Green Barn Orchid Supply
5185 Conklin Drive
Delray Beach, FL 33484

(561) 499-2810

10 x 9" Rustic orchid pot $12

More later..

1 comment:

  1. BTW, my Bankok Sunset set flower,very pretty, lightly scented, not long lived florescence however
