Wednesday, March 30, 2011


 Very slight haze, humidity in 60%?, but the sun is out and the temp is in early 70's with a soft breeze off of the water. Beautiful. Everyone looks great, except, the bougainvillea on the east wall. It's getting eaten by catepillars, i wonder if I can use a systemic on bougies? I'll go to the BGI website maybe they have info. The University of Florida also is a great source of info on the culture and care of plants in the state. My rhizomatous are well into a month and a half of blooming and Cloe, Fred, Dopey are still sending out stalks. U402 also floriferous, seems to really like the tight squeeze in the new pot. After a month or 2 i'm going to start a prune here and there to begin shaping it. Duranta is sending up branches, healthy, forking as they get longer with the purple racemes of flowers forming. However, it's surprising too with what seems such a hardy plant, there are a few white flies on one of the  plants. On the other, there were small black insects which looked like small black lady bugs. I neemed oiled it. There is a lady bug zipping around on one of them, i'll leave her to her work.

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