Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Partly cloudy today. No rain.

I think Cloe is over-potted in the bowl. I've put rocks on the soil to compact it. I'm going to test and see if compacting the soil is what the plant is actually looking for when it is in a tight pot. I'm curious to know why, if I put a rhizomatous begonia in a bowl with room for it to grow, it generally will either dry up or rot and fail. That maybe a function of my not allowing the plant to aclimate to a particular spot. Jesse Durko, where i bought Selph, has gallon pots with small pieces of rhizomes that ultimately will fill the pot. He has a table full of 'Joe Haydens'  that i'm sure he's done this way.  At what point do they repot the quart containers to the bowls they are ultimately sold in? What's the importance of not overpotting a plant – and yet some nurseries like J. Durko's seem to be able to get away with it?? When I go next to see him, I'll ask.

Dopey has rhizomes creeping over the edge of it's bowl. When it's incredible bloom period is over, I'll pinch off a couple and start babies.

Sending link to contact at Miami Begonia Society.

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