Friday, April 8, 2011

Get busy bee

Humid, low 70's I'm happy to see a honey bee going back and forth between my begonias on the table (Cloe, Fred and U402). It would be remarkable if one actually set seed and produced a hybrid! I'll need to re-read the Thomposon's words of wisdom on growing from seeds. There are now 2 bees circling around myself and the plants.

It was suggested to me by a friend,  that all FL soil is basically too sweet and  needs some acidifier in the food. I'll go by Home Depot and see if they have the Espoma Soil Acidifier "Turns Hydrangeas Blue".

I planted some sunflowers on either end of the terrace. I need yellow, and they're a quirky flower which will add some interest.


  1. You are so lucky to have such a large, beautiful terrace! Where is it?

  2. Wilton Station, 4th FL facing 26th St. in Wilton Manors. It's near the freight tracks but we've all learned to embrace the rumble of the trains. The plants don't mind at all :)

  3. So this is the United State? The south?

  4. Yes I'm in Fort Lauderdale, FL US

    Just above Miami.
