Saturday, April 9, 2011

Not on the table

Warm. getting toward 90 today. Gave everyone a drink and a rinse to get the salt off. I've started thinking about the necessity of using a very mild acidifier every so often. Espoma has one for hydrangeas, but it's 5lb and I would probably used 1lb a year. It would be great to put a few tablespoons in with the monthly Plant Tone.

 The sun is getting too hot to leave begonias in sun for very long. The table gets morning sun for an hour and a half, but even that is scorching them a little. I definitely think the U402 would look a lot lusher in some shade. I've put Fred and U402 under the umbra of the bamboo. Need to watch the sun and see if and how long the sun would alight on them there. 

Drenched the magenta bougie with a systemic insecticide last night. I was starting to see a lot of black specks on the leaves, catepillar poop? see this page: .

The other boug is starting to have the same on it's leaves, so tonight after sunset, insecticide for him too.

Bromeliade needs to be taken out and repotted. The pups are pushing momma out aside. I'll have to pull her out, separate pups and replant her. It would be nice to get some sort of mount and some sphagnum moss and mount around the garden.

The blistering sun is going to be a problem. What to do.

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